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Our focus

Streunerhunde in Marokko

On – initially private – trips, we were all deeply affected by the massive suffering of stray animals all over the world , who fight every day under painful conditions on the streets for their lives and for freedom from pain, suffering, fear, hunger and thirst.

While there is a broad ethical consensus in this country that we as a society have a responsibility for our stray animals , abroad these animals often encounter widespread rejection by the population, reproduce uncontrollably, and are sometimes subjected to unbelievable abuse, living conditions and targeted killings. This is the reason why we are (also) committed to protecting animals abroad .

We are aware that our domestic animal shelters are also full, and we have also been actively supporting local animal welfare associations and animal shelters for a long time.

At the same time, however, we are convinced that our ethical responsibility as human beings does not stop at our own national borders and that we cannot look away in view of the massive suffering of countless (stray) animals abroad around the world, precisely because the people in these - usually far less wealthy - countries often lack the necessary awareness on the one hand and the (financial) resources on the other hand to tackle the "problem" of stray animals and their often painful existence at the root and to find sustainable solutions on a systematic level.

Kranke Strassenkatze von Marokko
Patricia Patsch bei der medizinischen Behandlung beim Kastrationsprojekt in Marokko

At club level, we have therefore made it our mission to

  • to support personally selected animal shelters and animal welfare associations abroad in their valuable work on site (see Animal Shelter Support ), as well as

  • to carry out castration projects on site in cooperation with veterinarians and at the same time to ensure basic medical care for stray animals (see castration projects ).

As lawyers who have specialized in the areas of animal protection law, we are also committed at the association level to achieving systematic improvements in the legal framework for the protection and status of animals in our society, with a particular focus on so-called "farm animals" who lead a sad, shadowy existence in our society and whose protection status lags miles behind that of our so-called pets (see Legal Animal Protection ).

We have many other projects in mind that we would like to realize in the future...among other things, we dream of a large animal sanctuary project to create a refuge for as many animals of all kinds as possible, where each individual can live their life in a dignified manner without being exploited for human interests.

Johanna Neumeyer Buch Tierrecht

We are still “small”, but if you HELP us to grow,

We can achieve a lot together…

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